

Paris was real sick. Loved the city a lot. Mainly all the parks and open green spaces that it had. It was a lot different than all the other European city's we've been to so far. and the people were actually very nice. i dunno where we get this stereotype that the French are snobs and jerks but for the most part they were awesome. and the food.. uhh. it was 'Fantastick!' awesome falafels.

Northern Italy

It's a little late.. but here's my pics from northern italy
3 things we learned from this trip:
1. don't play soccer in da snow/ice w/ flats on
2. stay away from the algae
3. ice cream + waffle = death

Venice and Florence


Project 2

Porta Portese Redevelopment Plan
I dunno how Colin and I did it. But we definitely pulled the rabbit out of the hat on this one. And it turned out awesome.. Check it out